Monday, January 10, 2011

Mission Statement

Well, this isn't going to be as formal as a Mission Statement I suppose, but I'd just like to say why I formed this blog, and what I hope to accomplish, in as few words as possible since I tend to ramble.

I consider myself to be a Big Beautiful Woman, without all the fetishy sexual connotations to it. I'm a US size 18, 5'3", and I pretty much love my body. I didn't always love it - but that's a story for another time. Suffice it to say that through experience I've learned some valuable lessons about my curves.

My hang-up? I love fashion, and great fashion design; in fact, when I was a pre-teen, I had dreams of becoming a fashion designer. Occasionally, I even sew my own clothes. Sadly though, the plus size fashion industry doesn't really cater to the trendy customer. For too long there has been an outdated notion that fat people are fat because they choose to be, and if they ACTUALLY liked fashion, they could stop eating so many damn hamburgers. I could rant about this forever but I'll try not to right now.

Instead of just complaining and bitching about not being able to find the newest trends in plus sizes, I set out to bookmark every trendy plus size fashion website in the world. Well, maybe not the whole world, but so far I have US, Australian, British, French, German, Italian and Spanish plus size sites on my list. And I figured that, since I'm already on a personal goal of finding plus size items from the latest trends, I might as well share it with somebody. And, in the meantime, I'll share some of my musings about size acceptance, plus size fashion, and probably some other random stuff.

In the end, I guess if I had to pick a mission statement, it would be along the lines of something I once said to my mother. I'd rather look good at the size I am than worry about the size I'm not.

Welcome to the Curvy Rebellion.

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